A new year and a successful one too!
I have been busy at work lately so as you can imagine how excited I was for the Adelaide Lobethel Show over the weekend of 30th, 31st and 1st of January and February. My first shows of the year! I had entered my three girls with International judges from Canada, Israel and Italy. Gracepol Ashtonish Me was also entered.
Friday 30th, Gracepol A Good Friday Junior of breed, Gracepol An Ultimate Treasure Aus bred of breed, Gracepol Ashtonish Me puppy of breed, Ch Clockwork Pretty Pirouette Reserve Challenge bitch
Saturaday 31st, Gracepol A Good Friday Junior of breed, Gracepol An Ultimate Treasure, Aus Bred of breed and Reserve bitch CC, Ch Clockwork Pretty Pirouette, Open of Breed and Best of Breed!
Sunday 1st, Gracepol A Good Friday Junior of breed and reserve bitch CC, Gracepol Ashtonish Me Reserve Dog CC, Ch Clockwork Pretty Pirouette Open of Breed, Best of Breed and she was short listed for Best in Group
It was a lovely weekend with lovely weather which was kind to us, I'm hoping the new year will be as sucessful