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A needed update...

It has been awhile since my last blog post, and lots to report; good and bad.

Lily went on to have her last litter of four beautiful puppies: two males and two females. It was my choice to name the litter as an 'F' theme for names... So there was Fraz, Finley, Floss, and Freya. Fraz has been renamed to Bentley and moved down to Tasmania as a show potential dog with Laura Carr. Finley ventured off to Perth as a show potential; however, returned to me as a Phalene! He has since been de-sexed, and living in Adelaide with another older Phalene girl. Freya went up to Qld to the Clockwork kennels to mature up and develop; one day she will have her own puppies and be lightly shown. Finally Floss; renamed Tika has stayed in Adelaide at Gypsylinc kennels- Vicky Spangler. She is lightly shown here in Adelaide too. Lily was de-sexed and moved to Country NSW as a farm/lap dog; she now spends her retirement near the fire and chasing her ball around the house.

Emma didn't make it as a show dog or becoming a mother; so she was also de-sexed and re homed here in Adelaide. She lives up the road with another papillon called Ken and new owner Cris. I miss her everyday; she had a brilliant temperament.

I have moved to Mitchell Park in Adelaide and have two show dogs living with me; Whoopie and Bell. Bell has been showing quite well lately and accumulated 60 points towards her title. She also win Junior in group at the Marion kennel club show last month. I attended the Adelaide royal this year with both Whoopie and Bell. Whoopie won 1st place Aus bred dog class; beating 5 other dogs. Bell also won 1st Junior bitch class. It was a quick day and there was a shared lunch with the Papillon Club of South Australia.

I will continue to show Bell and Whoopie until the end of the year; it will be lightly as I am quite busy. Whoopie has just gone two years old now. He is continuing to mature and look better with age. Bell is 18 months old and slowly growing her coat. she has a lovely length of tail for her age. I am keeping fingers crossed for some more points for her. When she gains enough points, it will be my third Gracepol dog with a title.

That is all for now.

'Whoopie' at the Adelaide Royal 2017

Bell Bell at the Adelaide Royal 2017

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